Young PAWfessionals Bow Wow Brunch

Don’t miss out on The Humane Society Naples and Continental Naples premier Bow Wow Brunch on Sunday, September 20th. This dog-friendly, young professionals event will include brunch, a craft cocktail sampling, live entertainment by The Incorrigibles, Groupiebooth, great raffles and much more. If you love animals this is a great time to get involved with the HSN Pawfessionals, a pet-loving, young professionals group committed to supporting the educational and fundraising efforts of The Humane Society Naples. Tickets are $30/person and available on their website at:
In 2014, the shelter rescued and adopted 2,901 pets into loving homes through the support of our community. In 2015 they would like to provide rescue, shelter and adoption services to over 4,000 orphaned pets in need in our community. The HSN partners with animal control agencies in their service area and reviews monthly statistics to determine how they can work collaboratively to continue to reduce unnecessary euthanasia of adoptable pets in Southwest Florida. In addition, the shelter treated more than 14,000 animals in their Humane Animal Clinic in 2014, including providing spay/neuter services to more than 2,000 pets to help reduce the number of unwanted litters in our community.
To continue to increase their best practices the shelter regularly participates in veterinary shelter/clinic outreach programs such as the ASPCA Shelter Guidelines Series, the HSUS Animal Care Expo and the Best Friends Animal Society Conference & Workshops. Their best advice to all of us that love our animals is to have them spayed.
September 20, 2015
Hours: 11am-2pm
The Continental, 1205 3rd St. S., Naples, FL 34102