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Finding the "Fountain of Youth"

As people live longer “staying healthy” has taken on a whole new meaning. At one time ‘going to the spa’ was a special treat we gave ourselves. Now spas and wellness centers have become a key concern to the travel and technology industries. The new fitness and beauty trend businesses are turning into a billion dollar industry where consumers expect immediate access to anything new. Additionally all the “selfies” we are inclined to take put us up front and personal, so the way we look in this high-tech world is even more important.

Among the top trends is the use of aromatherapy in the treatment of physical and mental concerns that you may have. Spas are now crafting aromatherapies with the help of botanists to make them more effective and to create an experience that is unique to each of us.

A perfect product for life in Naples is John Masters Organics. Known for his luxurious organic creations, he originally began mixing up herbs and essential oils in this kitchen sink to now boasting more than 30 products carried throughout the world. All his products are 75-100% organic and have no petroleum or carbon based ingredients. The brand’s new ling of citrus-fueled lip care products include Lip Calm, made with 10 certified-organics including lemon and lime extract for a cooling, flavorful taste.

Living in Naples with sunshine year-round, it’s even more important for people of all ages to take care of their skin. I’ve lived in Naples for years and have raised a family here. I will continue to write about new health care products and places to stay healthy and beautiful in Naples, if you hear of anything new please contact me, Andrea Jeppesen at 239.289.4004 or

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