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Home is Where the Heart is

My husband and I call Naples home and have for many years. We truly believe that a community is only as strong as the people that live in it and their generosities towards others. Naples is probably one of the wealthiest communities in the United States and its number of nationally renowned events and organizations raising millions of dollars a year for those less fortunate is staggering. If you are considering moving here or want some more information about the charities/community organizations and how you can help, please contact me, Liz Jessee, at 239.370.8462 or

The Community Foundation of Collier County has awarded more than $1.1 million in college scholarship funds since 2008. In June of this year they awarded 57 scholarships totaling more than $456,000 to students enrolled in accredited high school, trade school, community college and university programs for the 2014 – 2015 academic year. Scholarships are awarded mainly to students who currently attend schools in Collier and Lee counties. This year’s scholarship awards ranged from $500 to $15,000. Some are even renewable that gives them financial support for multiple years to ensure they can completer college.

The foundation appointed a selection committee that was responsible for evaluating the scholarships. Most of the funds focus on the student’s achievements, their financial hardships and academics with a deep belief that education is paramount in helping young people achieve their dreams. Monies are raised through the generosity of many local individuals, corporations and organizations. Students interested in applying for scholarships for the 2015 – 2016 school year should start gathering official transcripts, getting letters of recommendation and writing their personal statements as to why they should be chosen as these are very important part of the application process.

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